Plan and Facts
New Zealand
German sea kayaker Freya Hoffmeister became the first woman to successfully circumnavigate New Zealand's South Island. The 2386 km trip is considered one of the world's most beautiful, yet demanding and challenging paddles.
Freya set a new solo record by completing the trip in a total of seventy days, with only forty-seven paddling days averaging fifty kilometers per day.
She paddled solo and unsupported, carrying all her camping equipment and food in the kayak and resupplying on the way at the few longer stops.
On October 25, 2007, Freya launched from Okiwi Bay in the north, paddled clockwise, and completed the circumnavigation on January 2, 2008.
"Huge seas and swells, relentless roaring surf on the west coast, the remote Fiordlands with no road access for more than fivehundre kilometers and few sheltered landings are some of the reasons why only three men have succeeded in the past thirty years," says Freya.
The unforgiving Tasman Sea took its toll on Freya and her equipment, breaking the stern of her kayak and swallowing her favorite paddle.
But the beautiful scenery, along with the many seals and dolphins along the mostly remote coastlines, made up for all the hardships and inconveniences, such as dealing with blood-sucking sand flies in camp.
The final highlight of the trip was the last leg, 165 km of continuous paddling in 32.5 hours.
Solo Trip
2386 km
70 days
48 paddling days
50 km per day on averageFastest circumnavigation per date | Schnellste Umrundung bis Datum
1st woman
4th person